Monday, February 20, 2012


l had my first sale on yesterday, and it was for all 3 faery doors! I'm so excited that someone loved all of them so much that she bought all of of course l uploaded a couple more this arvo, and l'll do another 2 tomorrow once l take new photos. I'm so to make some more !!

Monday, February 6, 2012

to gesso or not to gesso

at the risk of sounding like a spoiled brat, l hate it when l do a terrible painting! I spent a good part of Saturday afternoon sweating buckets and smelling like  a taxi driver, busting my backside trying to get a painting finished in time for an art show in which the entries need to be in by yesterday. I would have finished in time if not for the fact it was the worst painting l've ever done!After a couple of hours both myself and my canvas looked like Edvard Munch's 'The Scream' moreso than the painting! Now, l know l've done some shockers before, l'm not egomaniacal enough to think that l've never done a terrible art work before,but l have never gessoed over a canvas this big before to paint something else. The quandry l have is to paint it over with gesso and start again, or try to finish the painting to see if l can turn it into something half decent? The background is working, the couch looks fabulous, but the figure on it just isn't working  and l just don't know if l have the chops to finish and see what l end up with.....................maybe l'll do it anyway and if it's really bad l'll gesso over it....OR l could give it away as a present ( to someone l don't like maybe ? but then, they wouldn't actually get pressies from me.......) 

Thursday, February 2, 2012


.......HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Well....what can l say, I've been busy! l have a full on day what with the knitting, the drawing, facebooking, the painting, the dishes, facebooking, washing , making faery doors, facebooking, looking after Ruby, cooking.......wait.....what's that l hear you say.....making faery doors????

Yet, l've been making faery doors , at long last. I've been wanting to make them for ages and while l like the 'human' style of miniature doors and what not, they just arn't rustic and natural enough for me. So l stumbled upon pictures online of wild rustic recycled material houses and lo and behold- my version of faery doors. I love beach combing, particularly for sea glass and drift wood, so l combined the 2 with air dry clay for the doors themselves, and feathers and bells and crystals and bits of old rusty flotsam and jetsome that faeries love to collect. I also making little ladders, and little mushrooms and hats and boots to decorate big task to tackle is Ruby's fairy house!

Here's a sample of some of what l've been making. You can also see more on our Facebook page too

I've named the doors with the house number and a street name.....for instance, the bottom right faery door is ' #1 Moonstone Way, Faery Forrest"....cute l thought.

These are all the doors l have so far using Amethyst crystals, so of course, the faery doors belong to faery houses in Amethyst Avenue!

Again....all of these faery doors have quartz crystals so these are from Clear Quartz Cres, Faery Forrest

Mixed shots ( some repeats) that l might used for a flyer, with wording to be added....maybe l only need to use 1 door....l dunno......another thing to work on!

Back to the grind...this time dinner needs to be where did l put those takeaway menus.......